Author: william-maddox
Will Chapter 7 bankruptcy destroy retirement savings?
Deciding how to address overwhelming debt can be a challenge, especially for Tennessee residents who are approaching retirement age. Understanding how a Chapter 7 bankruptcy filing will impact retirement savings is a top priority for many consumers, and an important part of the decision-making process. The following information is offered to assist consumers in understanding
Is the human brain partly to blame for credit card debt?
Faced with overwhelming levels of debt, many Tennessee residents are unsure how things got so out of control. It is not uncommon for a borrower to sit down to review the full scope of his or her credit card debt and have little understanding of how that money was spent, much less have much to
Debt management and debt reduction tips for millennials
Many Tennessee residents assume that debt problems are something that only impacts older Americans, and that young people have little to be concerned about when it comes to financial obligations. After all, most people in their early 20s have yet to purchase a home, start a family or tackle many other big ticket efforts. That
Steps to take when issued a summons
Lawsuits are prevalent in the American legal system. In fact, information from Common Good states that each year in the United States, citizens file over 15 million lawsuits. Lawsuits can range in severity from frivolous to extreme. The plaintiff needs to take immediate action before additional problems arise. A summons is serious, and people should
Can becoming a minimalist help achieve debt relief?
In recent years, there has been a significant trend toward living a minimalist lifestyle. The definition of “minimalist” is difficult to pin down, but the overall concept is to set aside material things and focus on only those possessions that serve a purpose or bring a true sense of joy. For those in Tennessee who
Chapter 7 bankruptcy can be a good fit for many senior citizens
No matter how hard an individual works, or how carefully they manage their money, there are a multitude of ways that financial issues can get out of hand. This is especially true for seniors, who face a unique set of challenges when it comes to financial security. When circumstances are not favorable, many older Tennessee
Would the new health care bill lead to more medical debt?
As the new health care bill slowly makes its way through the legislative process, many people in Tennessee are concerned about how their health care options could be affected if major changes take place. This is a deeply personal issue, because health care and the associated costs are different for everyone. For many people, medical
Homeowners sought debt relief, but some were met with foreclosure
Faced with losing their home, many Tennessee residents will go to great lengths to avoid that outcome. That includes working with their loan servicer to pursue available debt relief options. In many cases, those efforts are successful. At times, however, borrowers are subjected to questionable business practices. Protecting Americans from unlawful and unfair actions is
Are you ever too young or too old to file for bankruptcy?
Young adults and senior citizens alike are legally able to file for bankruptcy. Of course, just because something is permissible does not always mean it is a good idea. So, if you fall in one of the age extremes, you may be wondering, “Are you ever too young or too old to file for bankruptcy?”
How does credit utilization factor into debt management?
When faced with serious financial strain, many Tennessee residents feel overwhelmed and uncertain about how to proceed. They know that filing personal bankruptcy is an option, but they fear the repercussions that might come with that move. Having a damaged credit score is part of that stress and is one of the primary things that