A bankruptcy could be the new start you need
A Chapter 7 bankruptcy can change your life, and although it may seem negative at first, that change can be a positive influence on your financial future. A Chapter 7 bankruptcy allows you to liquidate assets to pay off your debts, and there are protections in place to help you keep things like a much-needed
Hospitals versus patients: Negotiations can and do happen
Receiving a medical bill in the mail can be traumatic, as staying just a few nights in the hospital can lead to hundreds or thousands of dollars in debt. If you receive a bill that is exorbitantly high, what recourse do you have? The first option to consider is negotiating. With the internet, it’s possible
Minimum payments are designed to make you pay
If you’ve ever had a credit card, you know that you have a minimum amount that you must pay each month. This payment, known as a minimum payment, is designed to keep you paying interest on the card for as long as possible. It’s how the company makes money and how you stay in debt.
Credit counseling: Requirements for bankruptcy
If you decide to declare Chapter 7 or 13 bankruptcy, it’s a major decision that you are making for your financial welfare. It’s possible that this is the best way to move forward to tackle your debt and get into a better financial spot, particularly if you don’t think that you could pay off your
Banks beginning to lend at high levels, consumers at risk of debt
A news article from Oct. 27 has made a loaded statement; it claims that banks are beginning to issue credit cards again like they did in the year 2007. For many years, banks had decided not to lend very much and most of the teens and young adults in the millennial group have paid their
High patient costs can lead to injuries and skimping on care
With more patients having to pay for costly health insurance, financial responsibility has grown in the United States. This responsibility can hinder positive outcomes for patients. Why? They may have to skimp on their health care, because they may not have the finances needed to pay for expensive procedures or medical visits. An Oct. 11
How to stick with a debt management plan
Debt management plans can work, but you have to stick with them for the long term. What does it take to have a successful debt management plan? A recent report states that the reason people don’t complete credit debt management plans is because they pay off some creditors and feel more in control or because
You can protect yourself against unfair debts and charges
When you have a medical procedure, the expense can be extreme. You may find that you have thousands of dollars in debt from one single procedure that your insurance didn’t cover or that you didn’t have insurance for. While you may pay your bill on time, that doesn’t mean that you are protected against damage
You can seek help for repossession and debt issues
Vehicle repossessions can make your life very difficult; with no vehicle, you may not be able to go to work or could struggle to take your children to school or activities. If you’re struggling with debt, vehicle repossession may be a realistic fear you have. If you miss one payment or more, the creditor or
Managing your debts is possible with several techniques
Managing debts can be simplified, so you can look into your budget and determine if a bankruptcy is right for you. By breaking down the debts you owe, you can see if it’s possible to pay back the debts in a fair amount of time, get the chance to negotiate and do what you can