Facts about bankruptcy you need to know
There are several myths about bankruptcy that should be debunked, so you can have a better idea of how to proceed if you want to start with a clean slate. Before you speak to your attorney, understand these facts, so you can be well informed. Everyone doesn’t know you’ve filed Although you may see bankruptcy
Tennessee tops the nation in bankruptcy filings in 2015
If you’re living in Tennessee, you may have been one of many people who struggled with the recession. Unfortunately, Tennessee has not recovered as well as some parts of the country, and it’s still leading the country in bankruptcy filings. Although bankruptcy is an option if you find yourself in over your head with debt,
Can you negotiate hospital bills?
Hospital bills can be some of the most expensive, and they can be overwhelming for some people. Usually, hospital visits are accompanied by injuries or deaths along with missing work, so on top of receiving a large bill, you’ll also have less money in some cases. Medical care can be downright expensive, and just a
Your options: Chapter 7 bankruptcy and debt reduction
Chapter 7 bankruptcy, which is most commonly known as liquidation bankruptcy, is usually the type of bankruptcy you enter if you need to liquidate your assets to pay down your debts. Is Chapter 7 bankruptcy always necessary when you’re in heavy debt? No, and there are plenty of options you can try that your attorney
Use these tips to avoid excessive credit card debts
When you’re struggling to pay the bills or want to have extra credit on hand, one of the ways to make sure you have emergency coverage is by applying for a credit card. Some people make mistakes applying, though, because not all credit cards are the same. Some have heavy penalties and late fees, while
What are some ways to save money besides bankruptcy?
If you’re ready to reduce your debts, there are many ways to do so. Your attorney can help you file for bankruptcy or work to negotiate new credit terms for you, but there are also other steps you can take to start saving money before reaching that stage. One thing you can try to save
You may benefit from a debt management plan
If you’re in debt, you probably think you don’t have a lot of options other than bankruptcy. Bankruptcy doesn’t have to have a negative connotation, and in fact, there are generally other ways to pay down and consolidate debt, too. One way you can manage your debts is with a debt management plan. Here’s a
Is debt consolidation helpful for people with debt?
Debt consolidation is a great idea for many reasons. Probably the most common reason for it is the simplification of payments. When you have only one payment to make instead of several, it’s easier to make payments on time and to plan for the money you need to pay it. Having just one payment can
Medical debts account for large portion of American debt
Medical debt can be completely devastating to your finances, but one good thing about it is that through a bankruptcy, you can still discharge it. With changes in how medical insurance works in the United States, some have argued that they’re in more debt now than they used to be. Others claim the healthcare reform
Pitfalls of bankruptcy you can avoid with help from an attorney
There are some pitfalls of bankruptcy that might catch you off guard if you’re not prepared, which is why your attorney is an important person to consult with before you decide to move forward. For one thing, you may find that the bankruptcy you expect isn’t exactly what you get, especially if you’ve moved states.