Experienced Knoxville Attorney Helps Clients Overcome Debt Problems

Experienced Knoxville Attorney Helps Clients Overcome Debt Problems

What debts are non-dischargeable in a Chapter 7 bankruptcy?

What impact a Chapter 7 bankruptcy would have on a given person’s debt load is dictated by several different factors. One such factor is what specific types of debt are within the person’s debt load. This is because not all debts are treated the same in Chapter 7 bankruptcy. For example, some types of debt are eligible to be discharged in such a bankruptcy, while others are not.

There are a variety of different types of debt which fall into the latter category. Some examples of debts that are generally unable to be discharged in a Chapter 7 bankruptcy are:

  • Alimony debt.
  • Child support debt.
  • Most types of student loan debt.
  • Certain types of tax debt.
  • Certain types of debt related to condominium fees/dues.
  • Certain pension-plan-related debt.
  • Debt related to penalties, fines and restitution imposed by the government.
  • Debt related to court fees.

Whether or not the different types of debt a person holds are eligible for a discharge can be a very impactful thing in a Chapter 7 bankruptcy. Thus, when deciding whether or not to file for a Chapter 7 bankruptcy, one of the things it can be very important for a person to understand is how the different types of debt in their debt load are treated in regards to eligibility for a Chapter 7 discharge.

Bankruptcy attorneys can provide individuals who are dealing with debt struggles with information on how bankruptcy law treats different sorts of debt and can give such individuals guidance on what types of bankruptcy or other debt relief options might be best suited for them given the make-up of their particular debt load.

Source: FindLaw, “Debts that Remain After a Chapter 7 Discharge,” Accessed April 7, 2015

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